Since 1948

Gingelly oil

About Our Gingelly Oil

C. M Gingelly Oil is extracted from Gingelly seeds and is widely used in cooking, health & beauty care, etc. Right from ancient times, as per the Vedic knowledge our sages have encouraged the use of different types of oil to cure various ailments. In Charaka Samhita, it is mentioned that Sesame oil (Gingelly oil) is the best oil for good health.

Nutritional profile

Gingelly oil extracted from sesame seeds has polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and is low in saturated fats. It is also rich in Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, Thiamin, Iron, Manganese, and Vitamin E and is loaded with B-complex vitamins. These nutrients provide immense health benefits. Let’s discover these benefits.

Nutritional profile

Gingelly oil extracted from sesame seeds has polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and is low in saturated fats. It is also rich in Magnesium, Zinc, Calcium, Thiamin, Iron, Manganese, and Vitamin E and is loaded with B-complex vitamins. These nutrients provide immense health benefits. Let’s discover these benefits.

The health benefits of Gingelly Oil

Gingelly Oil Promotes good internal health

Lowers cholesterol

The presence of healthy fatty acids reduces LDL levels and increases HDL levels, keeping your heart healthy.

Helps reduce blood pressure

Studies indicate that sesame oil with its presence of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), the compound Sesamin & Magnesium controls high blood pressure condition in many people when used for cooking

Ensures good digestion and intestinal health

As the oil contains a high level of fiber it ensures better digestion and the elimination of digested food takes place quickly. It is excellent for people suffering from constipation.

Prevents diabetes

Regular usage of sesame oil lowers Plasma Glucose and also lowers BP for those suffering from high BP and Diabetes.

Anti-cancer properties

The presence of a compound, Sesamol helps fight cancer cells and prevents the growth of Tumours. The oil is also found to be effective in controlling free radicals that cause cancer.

Preserves bone health

Regular intake of sesame oil as the primary cooking oil provides strength to the bones and joints. As sesame oil is loaded with Copper, Zinc, Magnesium, Iron & Calcium, it contains anti-inflammatory properties that reduce Arthritic pain and swelling of joints.

Improves the quality of skin and hair

Gingelly oil contains a generous amount of vitamin E & also contains fatty acids and Linoleic acid, which are anti-aging and moisturizing agents. Continuous use of the oil on the skin makes it soft, supple, and wrinkle-free. Gingelly oil provides nutrition to your hair, promotes hair growth, and prevents scalp infections. Sesame oil application on the scalp also helps control pitta-related disorders that may lead to hair fall.

Preserves oral health

The age-old practice of oil pulling using Gingelly oil is considered the best for preserving oral and dental health. Oil pulling using sesame oil destroys bad bacteria and fungi from the mouth. It strengthens your teeth and gums.

Why use only CM Gingelly Oil?

C. M Gingelly oil is 100% pure and worth the money you pay. Before extracting the impurities from seeds are separated using modern machinery, which enables us to provide you 100% pure Gingelly oil.
C. M Gingelly oil is filtered using primary and fine filters which retain its purity and original appearance.
Due to the above facts, people prefer using C. M Gingelly oil for massaging hair, post-delivery treatment and also preparing food.
Having a bath after massaging with C. M Gingelly oil, will give you freshness and energy for the whole day.
C. M Gingelly oil is manufactured as per the traditional concept, without curbing any medicinal values prescribed in Ayurvedic concepts.

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