Since 1948

Coconut oil

About Our Cocunut Oil

C. M Coconut oil is made from sun-dried Coconut kernels (Copra).
During extraction, we retain the rich aroma, flavor, and taste of the coconut.
The packaging of the coconut oil can be done according to client requirements & we also offer standard packaging containers like pouches, plastic cans, and metal tins.
Coconut oil has a long shelf life and is free from moisture content.

C. M Coconut oil is made from sun-dried Coconut kernels (Copra).
During extraction, we retain the rich aroma, flavor, and taste of the coconut.
The packaging of the coconut oil can be done according to client requirements & we also offer standard packaging containers like pouches, plastic cans, and metal tins.
Coconut oil has a long shelf life and is free from moisture content.

The health benefits of coconut oil

Coconut Oil contains healthy saturated fats or Fatty Acids with potent medicinal properties. These fats boost fat burning and provide your body and brain with quick energy. They also raise the good HDL cholesterol in your blood, which is linked to reduced heart disease risk. These fats are used as a quick source of energy or turned into ketones which can have powerful benefits for the brain.

In the western world, Coconut is an exotic food primarily consumed by health-conscious people. In some parts of the world, coconut is a dietary staple that people have thrived on for many generations. It has been found that populations using Coconut oil or Coconuts are generally healthy.

Coconut Oil can increase fat burning. The medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in coconut oil can increase how many calories you burn compared to the same amount of calories from longer-chain fats.

Coconut Oil can kill harmful microorganisms. The 12-carbon Lauric acid makes up about 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil and it can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and fungi and could potentially help to prevent infections.

The fatty acids in Coconut Oil can reduce your hunger, helping you eat less. In the long term, it could help lead to reduced body weight over several years.

The MCTs (Fatty Acids) in Coconuts can increase the blood concentration of ketone bodies, which can help reduce seizures in epileptic children.

As Coconut oil contains natural saturated fats it can raise good HDL Cholesterol. They may also help turn the bad LDL cholesterol into a less harmful form. This is linked to improved metabolic health and a lower risk of heart disease.

Coconut Oil can protect your skin, hair, and dental health. Regular massage with Coconut oil can improve the moisture content of the skin. It can also reduce symptoms of eczema. It can also be protective against hair damage and can act as a weak sunscreen, blocking about 20% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays. The oil can be used like a mouthwash and it can kill some of the harmful bacteria in the mouth, improve dental health and reduce bad breath.

The Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil can boost brain function in Alzheimer’s Patients. These medium-chain triglycerides can increase blood levels of ketones, supplying energy for the brain cells of Alzheimer’s patients and relieving symptoms.

Coconut Oil can help you lose fat, especially harmful abdominal fat. It can reduce appetite and increase fat burning.

Why use CM Coconut Oil?

As C. M Coconut oil is naturally high in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) it does not elevate total blood Cholesterol which makes it a good oil for cooking food with exceptional health benefits.

C. M Coconut oil is known to be extremely good on the skin, promoting skin health and slowing down the aging process.

It has unique antifungal, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory properties.

It lowers High blood pressure & increases good HDL Cholesterol promoting heart health.

C.M. Coconut Oil decreases Serum Triglycerides.

C. M Coconut Oil nourishes the scalp and heals damaged hair. It is an exceptional hair care product.

The health benefits of coconut oil

The health benefits of coconut oil

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